Friday, 18 December 2020

Potion Shop Schwesterherz: title explained

New game, new unpronouncable title!

At least the last part.

'Schwesterherz' is german. Literally translated to 'sister heart'. It's how you would adress your beloved sister in a platonic way. Your own gender doesn't matter for that.

In english, something like 'dear sister' seems comparable. Or simply: 'sis'

Furtunately that's the whole idea; there is nothing else about it. And since the game is about two sisters it was easy for me to name their shop this way.

Hopefully this was at least a bit intriguing for you.

See ya later!
random Crow

P.S.: Here you can find the title explanation for zum Damenhaus:
zum Damenhaus: title explained

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Potion Shop Schwesterherz' first alpha version got released for everybody!

This game is in a very early state.
You, the player, is controlling Sonja, the girl that roams the forest and collects ingredients to make potions. Sonja found out that only cum makes her potions work, so she is collecting those important essences from various creatures in the woods.



Meanwhile, her sister Linda is running the shop. Being a shopkeeper and selling all those potions just increases her sex drive, leading her to make love to random costumers. Luckily Sonja is able to talk into her concious. On the other hand Linda could make some extra coins this way...

Try out the games unique dialogue sex mechanic; similar to battle-sex!


!!!An important note!!!
Since this is the first ever release of the game, some mechanics haven't been implemented yet! For example: Nothing is happening yet when going beyond 10 gossip. Also bringing down Linda's inhbition to 0 has limited function yet. There will be more connected to these game mechanics in future updates!

There is more planned, like:

  • experience points and skill trees
  • save and load function
  • other potion shop owners, who blackmail the girls
  • different clothes, mainly for Sonja, but also for Linda
  • more areas to explore
  • more enemies
  • more items
  • more potions and therefore more recipes
  • more animations for the sisters

You can play Potion Shop Schwesterherz at:

Or download a standalone version (for windows or WebGL) here on the blog.

I wish you a lot of fun with this prototype! Comments and feedback is welcome!

random Crow

Saturday, 5 December 2020

Public release for zum Damenhaus v.4.1


this is the last version of zum Damenhaus that needs to go public. My next game is following shortly™ after. 

You can find a downloadable version here on the blog.
I will also upload on

And on Newgrounds.

I wish you fun with the game!

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Quick heads up


it's a bit sad that I don't use this blog to often anymore. I will keep it alive, but the informations I provide can be better found at my public Patreon and most and for all at my Discord.

On my patreon I am busy with explaining the game functions of Potion Shop Schwesterherz to the public. You can check that out.

I expect PSS to go live either in December or very early January. There is just polishing left, but this takes a bit nevertheless. 

random Crow

Saturday, 19 September 2020

Patron version 4.1 released!


  • the player can work towards a global in-game goal (you can find it under 'options'). Reaching this goal concludes the story about zum Damenhaus and a special CG will show up after a certain dialogue. The global goals are:
    • reach reputation "9 world famous" and complete Amanda's personal quest
    • unlock all locations
    • unlock all floors
    • own at least 15 slaves / monster girls
  • added a new animation, CG and dialogue related to Madeline (you need every location unlocked to activate her dialogue)
  • added a button that cleans it's room for free when the day hasn't been started yet  (meaning you can have your kobold only brothels again, yay!) [Edit: appearently it costs 100 coins per dirt, so use this only if you have enough coins! I don't know why I went with that, I was probably on crack... sorry]
  • new options for the techtree: Potions; use them for
    • gaining coins
    • increasing a girls happines by 50%
    • spawning a client immidietly
    • adding +5 to a girls skill of your choice
    • rerolling a slaves likes/dislikes


  • reduced cost of livingfor each girl: 25 -> 20
  • reduced the costs needed for the quests "Shopping" and "Errands": 500 -> 350
  • reduced cost of the following mansion rooms:
    • kennel maintenance: 40 -> 20
    • bathroom price: 2000 -> 1000 and maintenance: 40 -> 20
    • gym price: 2500 -> 2000 and maintenance: 50 -> 40
  • the upgrade "tolerant clients" was decreased in price: 4 -> 3 flasks
  • the upgrade "greased gears" was decreased in price by 50%. This includes the follow up (2 -> 1 / 4 -> 2)


  • clients aren't stuck in the elevator anymore
  • slaves, that are maids, couldn't get asssinged to any other empty room in the brotel
  • if you built a room on the same level where a maid is already assigned to the broom closet, then the maid ignored that room (maid-doesn't-clean-rooms-bug)
  • the picture frames in the bar (3,4,5,6) that hold the CG's said something different than what they are actually included when clicking it while the player didn't have enough reputation
  • fixed two issues with a green frame around the broom closet when assigning slaves
  • small stuff, that I am not mentioning in detail (like text errors)

Version 4.0.2 is now available for the public! Patch notes 

This is supposed to be the final version of zum Damenhaus!
I might release another version that killed some bugs though.

To take away some tension I can say that I will continue making lewd games. I have one already in the works if you haven't heard yet. It's called Potion Show Schwesterherz.
And it might get released sooner than you think.
About one month before the release of PSS I will give this zum Damenhaus version to the public for free.

Have fun with the game!

random Crow 

Monday, 7 September 2020

Basically the same information like last time


I wish I could tell you something new, but I can't. The last few posts here still apply.
Hopefully I get those 2 missing CG's this month, since I really want to release the next zum Damenhaus version; it already got delayed like 2 months.

Other than that I am still working on my new game. So yeah, nothing changed. Still I think it's appropiate to give you a sign of life. Don't worry, I am still doing what I do :)

random Crow

Monday, 27 July 2020

Small status update

Hey people,

nothing actually changed: still working on Potion Shop, waiting till I get the last CG's of zum Damenhaus and being busy with finding helpful crows, who would do some translations for Potion Shop.

So yeah, working on multiple topics. Can't say for sure when the next zDh update will drop, so I won't do any estimates. Well, maybe that it should drop in August; I think this is sure to say.

By the way, if you wanna help me offering more languages to PSS you can give me a poke. I prefer to talk over my Discord though, since communication is faster there.
I need any langauges, except english, german, spanish and dutch. Whatever language you offer me, I prefer having volunteers, who have those language as their mothers tongue.

See you later
random Crow

Monday, 6 July 2020

Delayed zDh update; extended information about PSS

Hey there people of ze world!

In the last post I said that I expect the new Damenhaus version to get released in early July. Sadly I can't make that true. The game is done, but the new CG's are missing/not done yet.
I asked my patrons if I should release the game anyway or if I should wait till those CG's are done. The poll result was clearly to wait until I can add the CG's to the game.
To be honest, I don't think this update is gonna make it even in this month. The reason is that I need to wait till the artist opens commissions again.

In the meantime I will work on Potion Shop Schwesterherz. To make up for the delayed game I'll give you some patron information about what is currently happening:

The greatest thing is that I found a voice actress for Sonja; the protagonist of the game and the one that the player is controlling. I commissioned some lewd sounds from her and I hope that I will have the financial strenght to commission her for all of Sonjas lines at some point.
When the shop got implemented (currently it's only the overworld), I will look for a VA for Linda as well. And later for other important characters, too!

The other big news are that I added a multilingual feature to the game. This means you will have the opportunity to play the game in your own language! This didn't have a big priority for me to implement, but the time was right, so I did it nevertheless.
Speaking of which, I am looking for volunteers who would like to help me with their languages.
I prefer translators, who have this language as their mothers tongue.

Yeah, that's it for now. I thank you for your interest in zum Damenhaus. I hope I will be able to interest you in my future games as well! :)

Have a nice week

random Crow

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Heads up

Hey there,

just a heads up: I expect the new zum Damenhaus version to be released in early July.
I probably have some more interesting news at that time, so I suggest taking a look into this blog at that point of time again.

Have a nice day!

random Crow

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Potion Shop Schwesterherz first development build

I released a very small playable version of Potion Shop Schwesterherz for my patrons.
You can read about it here.

Questions are welcome.

random Crow

Monday, 4 May 2020

Status update

Hello there folks!

sorry for making myself rare here lately. Nothing basically changed: I still work on my new game.

Let me communicate my next steps here:
The first patreon demo of the overworld of Potion Shop Schwesterherz will be available relatively shortly. I wanna add one more enemy and work out the kinks first.

During the time when patrons play the first demo, I'll work on the last, big zum Damenhaus update.

For those who might ask: "When will the public be able to play your new game?" I can say, that Potion Shop Schwesterherz will have three main things that I wanna have done before making it public:
  • the overworld
  • the shop 
  • and the story dialogues a la zum Damenhaus

The overworld section should have been the hardest part of them all to make and I am nearly done with that. Though the shop will has their own challenges.

Of course I will mention that the game, once released, is considered an alpha, since there is more stuff that I want to have in the game, but that doesn't have a big priority for the first release (a tech tree for example).

If you are interested in my new project and wanna support me and my doings I will welcome you on my Patreon.

If you have questions or just want to hang out with random people and enjoy random lewds, you can think about joining my Discord.

In any way I am steaming ahead very well and I am happy that I was able to make the jump to another game engine, although it was kinda forced.

Enjoy your week!

Your black birb
random Crow

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

New 'zum Damenhaus' update: anti contagion safety measures

Due to the recent highly infectious epidemic plague scourge infestation outbreak of the corona virus, the whole development team of 'zum Damenhaus', that includes random Crow,... , reacted immediately (just 2 weeks late) to put together an update, that will get released as soon as people will be able to high fiving each other again, without fearing of getting infected by their friends and families.

The new update will make sure that every client will keep at least 1.50 meter distance to each other, since it has been proven by Cassandra that the virus is only able to jump 1.49 meters at max. No more than two clients are allowed in the whole brothel. Face masks need to be brought from home.
To assure the safety of our employees, they will follow some new safety rules as well.

As a reaction to the sudden drop of coin value, the clients will now pay in a new currency: toilet paper. Pasta is now also an accepted currenty. Yet only in a immaculate condition; (not broken, not limp and no whole grain)

 Reacting to the crisis is indispensable, therefore the gloryholes now include totally not photoshopped sinks, to make clients intensely wash their hands. With a certain chance of them not knowing how to do that, slaves can get assigned to them to explain the 30 minute long process.

Making sexual intercourse has not changed at all! There will just be one extra rule: Don't touch anything!
Not even yourself.
To make sure that the clients won't forget those new safety measures during all this hot and steamy action, they can orient themselves towards a pair of white guide lines, that have been conveniently placed in each room.

As anybody should know by now is that the corona virus is the worst disease you can get infected within a brothel!

So stay safe and use that extra time at home purposefully. Meaning telling your wife, son and daughter that the last one of them should shut the door, so you can have some undisturbed fap time.

In that regards: Stay healthy!

random Crow

Saturday, 21 March 2020

Happy Birthday 'zum Damenhaus'!

The old chap turned 4 years today! 

I have a hard time to think of something that I can write here...

Maybe that zDh was pretty ambitious for my first project. I learned everything I needed by myself. Once I felt the time was right I started developing.
Just a random, funny idea that turned into making a living out of it.

I knew that a simulator would be the first thing I wanna make, because I play those myself very much and because I thought it would be the easiest genre to make. I still think that, but in hindsight other stuff was quite hard to make for a beginner. All the variations of the slave / monster girls for example in terms of coding and needed time. At least I started out with learning Flash, which was a good decision.

'zum Damenhaus' will come to an end pretty soon. It was a nice journey and I will take everything I learned into account. There will be one last, big update to finish it. Not at once though, since I wanna finish my development session of my new game first; meaning I want to reach a certain point before going back to Flash to make this update.

I hope I can see familiar faces more often around here cause I don't intend to slow down.
The next cool new thing is right around the corner... Or shall I say: jumping at you from behind when you're not prepared for it?

random Crow

Saturday, 22 February 2020

Working on my new game!

I worked on my new game Potion Shop Schwesterherz intensively the last couple of weeks. I prepared for it easily two years ago, with learning a new engine (Unity) and making a lot of thoughts about my new game.

PSS is still in the very early beginnings. I hope to get a playable public demo of the alpha 0.1 version in about 6 months. This is just a very rough estimate. zum Damenhaus needed 9 month for it's first alpha.

As a patron you will have access to my devblog; providing news of what I currently work on and neat inside knowledge about Potion Shop Schwesterherz. This blog here will still be active and I will share information here as well, but only when finishing greater sections of my game.
In any case, you can look forward to a new game, made in a new and better engine with oldschool gameplay as well as content never seen before in any hentai (and even non-hentai) game!

If you are interested in what is to come you can join or follow my Patreon.
Furthermore I am still very active on my Discord and every question is welcome! Even if you just stay for the random lewds or nice community in the end :)

About zum Damenhaus:
Version 4.0.1 seems to work the best so far, it's still not perfect.
I wanna release at least one more main update that gets the game out of it's alpha state; including some more bug fixes, quality of life changes and some minor new content that is needed, so zDh feels like a full game. I know that I could have worked on it forever, ideawise, but, if you remember, the main reason for me to move on was an engine change, cause flash will be... I don't wanna say dead, that's not true. I'd say way less in use.
Also the project zDh turned out quite big so the engine can't handle it perfectly anyway.
But there will always be a zum Damenhaus 2 at some point :) That's a promise!

I can't say when I wanna work on that update, cause I don't wanna interrupt the good flow I have with PSS currently.

I hope I can fulfil everyones expectations and continue creating exciting content.

Yours truly

random Crow

Friday, 17 January 2020

Patron version 4.0 released!

  • basic in-game gallery (you need to complete the main story to unlock it)
  • new original zum Damenhaus OST
    • old music got replaced with the new one (except the main theme)
  • added a slider for the volume of the music in the options
  • removed the subscribestar link from the game cause of very low use of that platfrom (if you wann support me please go to patreon)
  • increased starting money from 3000 to 4000 coins
  • the end story dialogue now hints to the secret animation + dialog if you unlock all locations
  • made it easier to click arriving clients
  • reduced the maintanence cost for every room to 50%
  • swaped the price and maintanence cost of gloryholes and the animal show
    • sound bug that let you hear girl x machine sounds from the mansion, even when being on the brothel and vice versa
    • dirt in the luxurious room doesn't spawn on the same in-air point anymore
    • I poked in the dark when trying to fix clients that are stuck in the elevator. I am sure I got at least one source, but there might be more

      Version 3.9.1 is now available for the public! Patch notes 

      Have fun with the game!

      random Crow  

      Monday, 6 January 2020

      Gadget Illustration

      I used a sketch from Homekeys.

      An incredible artist, go check him out!

      random Crow