Saturday, 24 December 2016

Patron version 2.0 released!

Hello and Merry Christmas, folks!,

I have a gift for you! You may call me the Porn Santa...

  • Amanda's face appearance changed (and some body shapes) (*1)
  • Amanda's 'anal' animation recived a full work over
  • all brothel rooms have been re-sized to about 60% of their old width
  • added 10 more places to build brothel rooms, due to room size adjustments (*2)
  • day <-> night cycle; clouds; rain (*3)
  • embellished some graphics
  • zooming improved (it now zooms in 5 angles: whole brothel, 6 rooms, 4 rooms, 2 rooms, 1 room)
  • double clicking a room on which a client has been assigned to, will now directly zoom into the closest and best angle
  • a small version of Amanda's clipboard is now on your HUD; serving as an 'option screen'
  • brothel floors now need to be unlocked first, before you can use them for buying rooms
  • in game tutorial got some slight changes, mainly technical stuff
  • a Santa's sack full of small stuff!

  • you can find the trivia file now in the new option menu

Bug fixes:
  • the program doesn't prevent you anymore from placing girls in the bar / animal show if your other rooms are full
  • there was a green frame around the bar, when assigning a slave, even when an other slave currently worked in the bar
  • the last client's statistic now appears in the result at the end of the day, since it was missing
  • it's not longer possible to assign Madeline somewhere else if a slave works with her on the bar. Go remove the slave first!
  • sometimes the game told that there were no rooms left, but there actually were

(all of these bugs are also fixed for the public 1.9 version!)

  • letting the game run in a browser, while you are on a different tab in the same browser may cause issues, because frame rates will automatically drop
  • make sure that you allow flash to store data on your PC, since a bunch of game functions depend on that 
  • currently only the town and the forest are implemented for Amanda to explore. But many will follow (one for the next version for example :p )

(*1) Amanda's face appearance changed (and some body shapes):
Amanda put on some make up, so she actually looks quite different now. This applies to every image and animation she is currently visible on.

(*2) added 10 more places to build brothel rooms, due to room size adjustments:
I had two options: add more rooms or reduce the general width of the background. I chose the first one, because I like to see the client come from afar, when approaching the bar. Furthermore there is enough room to put extra buildings on the surface in the future.

(*3) day <-> night cycle; clouds; rain:
Weather doesn't effect game play and balance, but eventually will in the future.

You will hear from me soon on this blog, doing a review on everything of what happened, since the first version of "zum Damenhaus" appeared.

I can't stress enough to tell you that I'm deeply grateful to be able to do this stuff. I actually had a hard time before working on this project.

Version 1.9 is now live on this blog and probably somewhere else around the internet. For the download, choose 'randomcrow' as a password.

Everyone, I wish you happy holidays and a good start into the year 2017!

random Crow

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