- game overs! Reaching more than 10 gossip will punish the player
- the player looses all coins, ingredients and potions, but keeps story progression and upgrades
- weekdays! (necessary for potion shop competition)
- new potion shop competitor, named Annabelle
- new h-animations for Linda
- with female customer in the shop
- with Annabelle
- surprise after a certain dialogue; happens in the shower
- new h-animation for Sonja
- +1 with tongue lasher(plant)
- lots and lots of new dialogues
- you can reduce gossip now at Temporary Mechanics
- removed the prices tab, since this function felt unnecessary
- in-game time flows faster (90 sec = 1 hour -> 60s = 1h)
- potions sell faster (again)(Hint: Potions only sell during opening time and have a reduced sellrate when sleeping!)
- Lindas casual dialogues now happen every fixed 24 hours (before it was random between 18 and 30 hours). linda won't talk to you if she is sleeping or has sex with someone. Same with being under the shower.
- endless bandit animation fixed
- updated the speechbubbles during sex with the bandit. It flows better and I fixed an issue where sometimes the sentences gets overwritten while the bandit is talking
- the time for lindas next casual dialogue (exclamation mark) will now get saved and don't start over when continue playing your session
- fixed a small issue concerning Temporary Mechanics
Here are the Patch Notes!
I wish you a sweet weekend!
random Crow
Would you be willing to make an Android version of both your games, I loved playing zum but my laptop died and all I have is my tablet.
ReplyDeleteMost likely not :/
Deleteco hoi codes la gi vay