Friday, 23 September 2016

Patron version 1. 7 / Public version 1. 6 released!

Hello folks,

password for the download is 'randomcrow' like always.
And now let's get straight to the newest update for patrons:

  • 5 new dialogs added, involving Cassandra
  • added a techtree for you to improve different things in your brothel, like cheaper slaves on the slavemarket, faster elevators and even a bar which runs without Madeline!
  • you can switch now from mansion to brothel by pressing 'spacebar' and vice versa
  • scrolling improved: the program now tracks if your mouse is outside of the application; no more fixed deadzones on the very edges of the application
  • reduced elevator and clientspeed again because of the possible upgrades in the techtree 
  • reduced coins a client gives you for watching the animal show by 33% (it's now the
     same like the normal bar)
  • if you don't have plantgirls, clients won't ask for plantgirls anymore
 Bug fixes:
  • while paused, the elevator to the right didn't stop
  • selling slaves MAY have caused some issues. I fixed a bug, but I don't know it's exact impact
  • if some conditions for a certain dialog wasn't met, the game didn't offer an
    alternative for said certain dialog; left you behind with no dialog at all
  • additionally if you only had amanda (without Madeline) and go through a whole day, she won't appear in her room after clicking 'end day'
  • there was a double assignment bug a while ago. Last version I forgot to declare it as dead. Now I have.
Known flaws: 
  • sometimes a slave / plantgirl who comes right from the bar and went to the balcony stands there the other way around (same with her bed in a chamber)
  • it may occur, that the program tells that you have to assign a girl to a brothel room, since no other girl would be left, but actually you do have Cassandra. Since I will give the assignment part of the game a small overhaul soon, I'll let this flaw be for the moment
  • seldom only a few clients spawn and then none the whole day long
  • Edit: the new scrolling improvment shows some minor issues. Also it doesn't work while at the mansion (but scrolling per se works, of course) 
  • Edit: if you use your flasks to buy upgrades, it won't save your new, lower flask amount. Which is basically an exploit to get all of the upgrades after reloading your game again and again

Please keep in mind, that these patchnotes are for the Patron version!
To get to the public version notes, scroll down a bit until you reach the post with the 1.6 version.
(The blogs tutorial has been updated)

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Another poll

This time it is something completely different. I want to know what you like more in a naughty video game:
  • animations
  • CG (computer graphics; still images)
  • or both
We consider everything in a high quality.

I don't intend to do CG's, I am just very, very curious.
Don't have much else to say.
I am intrigued how this one results.

See ya

random Crow

Monday, 5 September 2016

Patron version 1.6 released!

  • new side character available: Cassandra (1*)
  • fast forward button implemented (2*)
  • next to your reputation status is a number now, to make your current progress clearer
  • next to the price of certain rooms are indicators if said places are meant to be used for bestial "stuff"
  • sending a client to a wrong room doesn't result in the lowest amount of coins anymore. Instead it works like a multiplier bonus. Here are a few examples:
    • you will get 80 coins if you have all 3 likes but a wrong room
    • you will get 80 coins if you have 2 likes and a stately room
    • you will get 60 coins if you have 2 likes and an average room.
    • you will get 200 coins if you have 3 likes and a luxurious room
These calculations have been done without your girls level. Then it would be more, of  course.

 Bug fixes:
  • whenever a slave laid hands on a client at the bar, she sometimes moved
    further down the stage
  • if the game was paused, slaves / plant girls who worked on the bar gave
    their special service to the clients nevertheless
  • if there were no standing spots left for the clients at the animal show, the fifth
    client who wanted to see it kept walking to the right
  • fixed bug, on which a client could loose patience while the game was paused
Known flaws: 
  • sometimes a slave/plant girl who comes right from the bar and went to the balcony stands there the other way around
  • it may occur, that the program tells that you have to assign a girl to a brothel room, since no other girl would be left, but actually you do have Cassandra. Since I will give the assignment part of the game a small overhaul soon, I'll let this flaw be for the moment
  • you can only add girls to a private show room, if you have at least one wolf left in the kennel. (will be changed as soon as there are other animations for the pvt. room)

(1*) new side character available: Cassandra:
Cassandra includes all current needed drawings and animations. Unfortunately she is in terms of story and deep game play rather useless at the time being. You can only watch her getting loved very hard. Such a bummer!
With the next update she will be the one who is responsible for upgrades, extensions, improvements and inventions.

(2*) fast forward button implemented:
The fast forward button actually has some history. It was the very first thing which was ever recommended to be a feature in the game. Back then I thought it would be impossible to have one. But as soon as I started to work on a pause feature, I did some great work for a fast forward function, without my knowing; preparing it alongside.
Well, I'm glad I could pull this through and I am sure you are also very happy about it :)

The next update won't take as long as this one.
Since I haven't got any new version for the public I can at least give you a


At last I've got some enhanced information about Cassandra for you:


Her father once told her that she can become anything she likes.
So she became a whore.
But soon Cassandra shows interest in something different, called science. Even though she has little experience in it, she is already deep into character and keeps on creating and inventing stuff that seemed useless at first. But destiny smiles upon her; gifted her with luck, which made the most ridiculous ideas, become essential.
As soon as Cassandra heard of the opening of the Inn ‘zum Damenhaus’, and the need for a clever individual there, she knew she could do the two things she likes the most at one place: devote herself to science and getting laid. If it were up to her, both would happen simultaneously.
Cassandra promised Amanda to always try her best and keep on gathering knowledge, whenever she has time for it. But deep inside, she will stay a whore. And that’s not a problem at all for her.

Until we meet again

random Crow

Sunday, 4 September 2016

zum Damenhaus: title explained

Greetings people,

I thought it would be appropriate to post a translation for all non german speaking persons out there. Along the way I clarify why I chose this title. 

"zum Damenhaus"

The english equivalent for the word "dame" would be "lady". Add the "n" and you have the plural of it: "damen".
If I today think of a "Dame" it would look something like this (picture to the left).
Quite old fashioned, right? However, the word is still in german use.

The last part "haus" simply translates to "house".
So you could say it's a house full of ladys.

If you run "zum" through a dictonary you usually get three results:
  • "for"
  • "for the"
  • "to the"
Sometimes "zum" can be indeed "for" as in "zum Beispiel", which means "for example".

The reason it has the meaning of two words is because "zum" is a short way to say "zu dem", which is a combination of a preposition and an article.

So what exactly is the meaning behind this word and "Damenhaus" in combination?
In this context it refers to an inn!
It's actually somekind of wordplay where a certain location plays a role.
If someone asks you where do you go and you say:
"I go to the train station."
In german:
"Ich gehe zum Bahnhof."
But the train station isn't actually a train station, but more of a bar with that name for example!

I hope that explained the nature of the title a bit.

I didn't want the game to have "brothel" in it's name. Even if it is a brothel simulator, this word is just to common for these types of game. So I sticked with a german title.
I checked "zum Damenhaus" around the internet and this combination of words isn't in use for anything special. That means the game can be found quick in the internet.

All right, that's it. I hope you'll find this post rather interesting.

I shall return soon, my friends!

random Crow