Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Version 1.3 released!

They can talk, but only if you can read!


this update is rather small, but I allow it to be an independent one like the others, because the last version was very content heavy and the next one will be, too.

  • added in game tutorial (*1)
  • added dialogs (*2)
  • the second elevator (the one to the right) now also goes down. Clients, who have finished playing chess with the girls (yes, we keep it familiy friendly here) now will search for the exit in the basement, which is on the left
  • you won't get hold back by the system any longer, if you try to go to the slavemarket with not enough coins in your pocket
  • made the early reputations a bit harder to get
  • fixed a critical bug since version 1.2, that no matter the reputation you have, only 7 clients in total will spawn
  • fixed bug, that whenever you press the pause button, it sets back the frequency of client spawning (solved it quite elegant). So you can now use it without any boundaries
Known flaws :
  • often the clients are walking beneth another client, who is actually in front of him ---> will be improved, when I found an effective solution
  • It seems like you can still seldom assign 2 girls to one room. If that happens, please restart the game (your savegame stays). I will find you, bug. And then I will eat you!

(*1) added in game tutorial: 
Be careful when using your old savegame and when the system asks, if you want to play the tutorial. Your coins will get to the same state, like if you would start a new game.

(*2) added dialogs:
There are 7 at the moment. One shows up every day after you got your results in.
If you met the necessary requirement, Amanda and Madeline start talking.
Dialogs will be on my always to-do list. The more content I add to this game, the more there is to talk about.

As I told you above, the next version will take longer than this one. But you can see forward to new functions, new animations and new rooms!

If you found any spelling mistake, I would be happy to hear it from you, since english isn't actually my mothertongue. Even if it is just a missing 's' after a verb or a wrong used preposition.

We will see us again!

random Crow

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Polls and animation template

Good evening folks,

you may have noticed the poll on the blogs right side-bar.

I plan on doing more to get some interesting statistics in. These statistics will help me for future drawings and animations.

I first start of with your favorite poisiton of Amanda. You will have mulitple choices. Everything can be an aspect, like position, situation, behavior, graphical characteristics or maybe your favorite way seeing someone cumming.
I recommend deciding by your feeling; what you like watching the most.

In case you forgot how some animations look like, I have a position templet for you at the end
of this post. You may help yourself with it.

If the poll is done I tell you my favorite animations of her and I'm sure I can get you some
extra random information afterwards.

If you want to share more of your thought's, please do so and comment on this post.

Best wishes

Your random Crow

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Version 1.2 released!

Hey there,

the time being occupied with this current version felt like an endurance test for me. And I passed!

  • the forest section is ready for Amanda to explore. FOR NOW she'll only get a new slave type from there
  • plantgirls added to the game; including all the images, animations and variations (*1)
  • added a pause feature
  • in the client's 'likes' list wont be any attributes anymore, that would exclude each other (like for example: short hair <-> long hair)
  • you can now look at all the clients preferences, while they are in the queue, to plan ahead
  • while choosing a location for Amanda to travel, you can now recall her
  • if you leave the flash application, the background should stop scrolling (*2)
  • slaves are now holding an "open hair" attribute, which is the exact opposite to the ponytail quirk
  • slaves loading faster, when continuing a game
  • the game has been made a bit 'fullscreen' friendlier in general
  • tons of other small stuff, like new startscreen tipps, new quirks, switch of some indicator colors etc, etc, etc,...
  • 'ponytail' now has the 'long hair' attribute
  • all your girls gain double the experience points, when executing their labor of love (*3)
  • chance, a client will sit down to drink something has been reduced
  • sending a client to a room he doesn't want, will not influence your reputation to the negativ anymore
  • the punishment for dismissing a client has been reduced by 33%
  • the reputation you gain from a 'perfect client bonus' has been increased by 25%
  • nevertheless it will be much harder to get a higher reputation now, depending on which reputation you already have
  • the behavior of the client loving girls and drinking beer has been improved. This happens off stage, so you won't notice anything (It's more reliable now)
  • critical bug fixed, which slowed the game down on longer game sessions. You don't need to reset every few days anymore
  • if you had exactly 500 coins the game won't let you go to the slavemarket, although you had the money for a slave. In addition, this question of letting the player go to a different location will now be asked while you are on the map (compass)
  • clients now spawn off stage
Known flaws :
  • the only elevator going down, slows the game down. I already found a decent solution. I continue working on it. This issue has my highest priority now
  • often the clients are walking beneth a other client, who is actually in front of him ---> will be improved at the next opportunity
  • currently the pause feature also resets the timer when clients spawn ---> will be improved at the next opportunity. So you should only pause when it's really necessary or directly after a client has spawned
  • edited: It seems you can still seldom assign 2 girls to one room. If that happens, please restart the game (your savegame stays). I will get to the bottom of this!
  • edited: currently you only get a static amount of clients, no matter which reputation you have! (bug is fixed and launches with version 1.3)
(*1) plantgirls added to the game; including all the images, animations and variations:
Later it will be more worth sending Amanda to other locations. I need to implement different stuff first. Also getting plantgirls won't cost you a thing for now, since they don't care about money at all. Later they will be buyable maybe for some kind of item? I will see.

(*2) if you leave the flash application, the background should stop scrolling:
I hope I didn't make the gaming experience worse. I need your feedback here.

(*3) all your girls gain double the experience points, when executing their labor of love: 
I do this for future updates, to fasten the overall gamespeed up.

In general, I am happy how reliable the client moves, also that he is smart enough to actually find the exit.

Also, for the future I will add some helpful information to the tutorial section of this blog, to help you guys (provisional), finding the right combos; for example:"What exactly is exotic hair?"

Furthermore I say that I haven't test older savegames for the current version. But there is actually a great chance that your savegame can be used for the new version. Feedback would be welcome.

At last I have some advanced information to the plantgirl:

The plantgirl (Flora slutus servus dominanta)

Habitated in various forests, plantgirls love traping and catching male hikers. If they have been sucessfull, they can keep them tied up for days and refresh themselves on the victim's seeds from time to time. After exhausting their nourishment source, they will let the poor human go, for the chance he will serve her another time.
Interestingly some men actually go back to her as a volunteer. Scientists claim, this behavior could be explained by some kind of spores the plantgirl excretes. Non-Scientists think, those people are just freakin' perverts.

However, since seeds (yes, I mean the human ones the whole time) are quite a dainty for the plantgirls, they will gladly help Amanda out with her buisness. But she needs to have an eye on them, because they always take what they want and they can often be very rough about it. Nevertheless, the clients will love them for their friendly, alluring arise and childish aura.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Teaser for upcoming version (1.2)

The owner of the Inn 'zum Damenhaus' has recently been seen with a strange figure on her side. Acording to rumors, there will be a new offer in this establishment. And said offer won't stand on the drinks menu, for sure.

We asked a random client, who just wanted to visit the location. He didn't even stop as we requested a statement from him, but at least he talked back with followed information:
"Out of my way, I want to get laid!"
It seems like it will stay mysterious. Currently only insiders, the so called 'Patreons' know the truth.

We stay tuned for you, until the curtain has been lifted, which should be only a matter of days.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Short in between information

Good morning friends,

currently I am working on the project like a mad man. There will be a lot of new animations, pictures, functions, balance tweaks, performance enhancements and, and, and...
I steam ahead quit good. You can definitly count on a new update this month (also not the last day of it, but rather after mid of the month)

In the meantime, you may like to read a post I did on Patreon, which will present you the general way I work.

Here it is

I'm gonna show myself again before the release of version 1.2

Enjoy the day! Weekend is coming!

random Crow