Hey there,
it's sad that I don't use this blog that often anymore. But discord basically took the place of update information. As you probably noticed, I only use my blog for patch notes now. And I'd say it will stay that way. I don't want to shut down this blog anyway.
I will give you a quick update on what I am doing:
The next update will contain clothes for Sonja, that carry special attributes. There will be 5 for now, including her standard outfit and being nude.
Furthermore I will add a new enemy: the wolf. I am currently busy working on it.
Also the forest area receives more space.
This is it for the big stuff. There is tons of small things as well, like a game over CG and a voice actress for Linda; if both of it make it in time.
Anyway, you can be excited of what comes next.
If you wanna join my discord to lurk information or just having fun with memes and lewds, here is the link:
I wish you a good day!
random Crow