Monday, 4 May 2020

Status update

Hello there folks!

sorry for making myself rare here lately. Nothing basically changed: I still work on my new game.

Let me communicate my next steps here:
The first patreon demo of the overworld of Potion Shop Schwesterherz will be available relatively shortly. I wanna add one more enemy and work out the kinks first.

During the time when patrons play the first demo, I'll work on the last, big zum Damenhaus update.

For those who might ask: "When will the public be able to play your new game?" I can say, that Potion Shop Schwesterherz will have three main things that I wanna have done before making it public:
  • the overworld
  • the shop 
  • and the story dialogues a la zum Damenhaus

The overworld section should have been the hardest part of them all to make and I am nearly done with that. Though the shop will has their own challenges.

Of course I will mention that the game, once released, is considered an alpha, since there is more stuff that I want to have in the game, but that doesn't have a big priority for the first release (a tech tree for example).

If you are interested in my new project and wanna support me and my doings I will welcome you on my Patreon.

If you have questions or just want to hang out with random people and enjoy random lewds, you can think about joining my Discord.

In any way I am steaming ahead very well and I am happy that I was able to make the jump to another game engine, although it was kinda forced.

Enjoy your week!

Your black birb
random Crow