Due to the recent highly infectious epidemic plague scourge infestation outbreak of the corona virus, the whole development team of 'zum Damenhaus', that includes random Crow,... , reacted immediately (just 2 weeks late) to put together an update, that will get released as soon as people will be able to high fiving each other again, without fearing of getting infected by their friends and families.
The new update will make sure that every client will keep at least 1.50 meter distance to each other, since it has been proven by Cassandra that the virus is only able to jump 1.49 meters at max. No more than two clients are allowed in the whole brothel. Face masks need to be brought from home.
To assure the safety of our employees, they will follow some new safety rules as well.
As a reaction to the sudden drop of coin value, the clients will now pay in a new currency: toilet paper. Pasta is now also an accepted currenty. Yet only in a immaculate condition; (not broken, not limp and no whole grain)
Reacting to the crisis is indispensable, therefore the gloryholes now include totally not photoshopped sinks, to make clients intensely wash their hands. With a certain chance of them not knowing how to do that, slaves can get assigned to them to explain the 30 minute long process.
Making sexual intercourse has not changed at all! There
will just be one extra rule: Don't touch anything!
Not even yourself.To make sure that the clients won't forget those new safety measures during all this hot and steamy action, they can orient themselves towards a pair of white guide lines, that have been conveniently placed in each room.
As anybody should know by now is that the corona virus is the worst disease you can get infected within a brothel!
So stay safe and use that extra time at home purposefully. Meaning telling your wife, son and daughter that the last one of them should shut the door, so you can have some undisturbed fap time.
In that regards: Stay healthy!
random Crow