Saturday, 21 March 2020

Happy Birthday 'zum Damenhaus'!

The old chap turned 4 years today! 

I have a hard time to think of something that I can write here...

Maybe that zDh was pretty ambitious for my first project. I learned everything I needed by myself. Once I felt the time was right I started developing.
Just a random, funny idea that turned into making a living out of it.

I knew that a simulator would be the first thing I wanna make, because I play those myself very much and because I thought it would be the easiest genre to make. I still think that, but in hindsight other stuff was quite hard to make for a beginner. All the variations of the slave / monster girls for example in terms of coding and needed time. At least I started out with learning Flash, which was a good decision.

'zum Damenhaus' will come to an end pretty soon. It was a nice journey and I will take everything I learned into account. There will be one last, big update to finish it. Not at once though, since I wanna finish my development session of my new game first; meaning I want to reach a certain point before going back to Flash to make this update.

I hope I can see familiar faces more often around here cause I don't intend to slow down.
The next cool new thing is right around the corner... Or shall I say: jumping at you from behind when you're not prepared for it?

random Crow