Saturday, 22 February 2020

Working on my new game!

I worked on my new game Potion Shop Schwesterherz intensively the last couple of weeks. I prepared for it easily two years ago, with learning a new engine (Unity) and making a lot of thoughts about my new game.

PSS is still in the very early beginnings. I hope to get a playable public demo of the alpha 0.1 version in about 6 months. This is just a very rough estimate. zum Damenhaus needed 9 month for it's first alpha.

As a patron you will have access to my devblog; providing news of what I currently work on and neat inside knowledge about Potion Shop Schwesterherz. This blog here will still be active and I will share information here as well, but only when finishing greater sections of my game.
In any case, you can look forward to a new game, made in a new and better engine with oldschool gameplay as well as content never seen before in any hentai (and even non-hentai) game!

If you are interested in what is to come you can join or follow my Patreon.
Furthermore I am still very active on my Discord and every question is welcome! Even if you just stay for the random lewds or nice community in the end :)

About zum Damenhaus:
Version 4.0.1 seems to work the best so far, it's still not perfect.
I wanna release at least one more main update that gets the game out of it's alpha state; including some more bug fixes, quality of life changes and some minor new content that is needed, so zDh feels like a full game. I know that I could have worked on it forever, ideawise, but, if you remember, the main reason for me to move on was an engine change, cause flash will be... I don't wanna say dead, that's not true. I'd say way less in use.
Also the project zDh turned out quite big so the engine can't handle it perfectly anyway.
But there will always be a zum Damenhaus 2 at some point :) That's a promise!

I can't say when I wanna work on that update, cause I don't wanna interrupt the good flow I have with PSS currently.

I hope I can fulfil everyones expectations and continue creating exciting content.

Yours truly

random Crow