Sunday, 22 May 2016

A sudden hotfix appears!

And it adds another 1 to version 1.1 which lets it evolve into MEGA VERSION 1.1.1!
Okay, without the mega. Unless you mean the download portal...

But seriously, here is the patch list:

  • you can now click the little symbol which indicates a waiting client for actual selecting him (*1)
  • improved zooming (*2)
  • key shortcuts added for zooming in (Q) and zooming out (E)
  • if you click 'assign' on a girl, you can now go back to your home without actual assigning her to a fixed room
  • your girls don't wait anymore till the last client has left the brothel. They have better things to do anyway.
  • amanda now trusts her staff enough to travel, without making sure that at minimum one girl is working in a love-room
  • you don't need to have a slave in a brothel room, when you first want one to serve in the bar
  • increased scroll speed by 40%
  • increased elevator speed by 50%
  • increased client's walking speed by 33%
  • fixed a bug, when zooming in and out on special locations, it sometimes narrows down the background of your brothel / home

(*1) you can now click the little symbol which indicates a waiting client to actual select him:
Thats actual pretty funny. You may have noticed, that the little symbol was framed in red. But i wanted it in yellow, but it hasn't changed anything, despite the code I inserted. I released it teeth grinding. Well, now it works. That was a pretty little annoying thing.
Why yellow? I thought like: red = warning/danger,     yellow = "hell yeah, i'm ready!"

(*2) improved zooming:
*sigh* I have the feeling it will be a looong journey with the zooming and scrolling stuff. I fixed it a bit: less clicks for zooming, better performance... but i can't find out a good formular yet to make it... smoother.

If you have questions, found bugs, have suggestions or you just want to tell me your opinion:
please do so.

Till then

random Crow 

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Version 1.1 released!

Good afternoon everyone,

let's get straight to the point. Details will follow further below. Also you can now download the game here at the blog for free.

  •  well, I programmed the goddamn game again, I guess that's an update
  • added a preloader (*1)
  • re-coded slaves (*2)
  • added a save feature (*3) 
  • slaves are able to serve at the bar (*4)
  • created a symbol for a waiting client (*5)
  • the service level of Madeline and slaves will be added to the general bar income
  • all floors in all buidings can now be used to set up rooms
  • offering a client a room/girl can now be done by clicking said girl (currently works only with Amanda and Madeline)
  • improved zoom function; especially for zooming out
  • scrolling diagonal with mouse is now possible
  • also a ton of other details you may notice or may not
  • you can switch between your home and the brothel via HUD symbol
  • you can now assign Madeline directly to the bar, instead of just letting her be if you want her to work there 
  • reduced daytime from 10 minutes to 5 minutes
  • Madeline's experience now rises with every client who visits the bar; as it was intended to

(*1) added a preloader:
Well, the game is yet to small for you to see the loader. But it is there.

(*2) re-coded slaves:
I assume you will never find out what exactly happend when you casually play the game.
Half of the time I spend was for the slave rework.
And it was worth it!
With this and other things I improved, I was able to save up nearly 50% of the whole games memory; the updates already calculated in. Of course, with a small game like this it is not that big of a deal.. yet. Think of the content I will add later!
Just a random fact which you won't see in the actual game you play:
In the first game at the very end, exporting it for testing took me about 4 minutes and 24 seconds.
I reduced this to 15 seconds.
That's why I redone it.

(*3) added a save feature:
I want to tell you more about it, but I feel I should make it short:

It works.

What it does is real time saving.
If you want to continue your game, just click the door at the beginning screen, like you would start a new game.
If you want to delete your current save game, click the trashcan's cap, which waits in front of the buidling.
Important: You can only save up to 10 slaves which you have bought. I add more slots during the next versions. I just want to check that everything is perfect for now.

(*4) slaves are able to serve at the bar:
If you want a slave working in your bar, make sure that Madeline runs it and there is at least one other character selling herself in a room.
Additional bar-related animations will follow.

(*5) created a symbol for a waiting client:
Now you can observe the work of your girls, without worrying missing a waiting client.
A discreet little symbol in the top right of your screen will tell you, when someone is waiting for his turn.

So, now that I have my game rework done, I finally can do content, content and more content.
Long hold ideas sticking in a small corner in my brain, freezing, squeezed together in a small gap.
They will be happy, if I free them. If you want to know their names, I'm afraid I can't tell you, but I wish there was a way.


If you found any bug, any opinion you want to share or any suggestion you have, I encourage you to write it down in the comments below. I appreciate any feedback, but of course stay polite.

Have a nice day

random Crow

Friday, 6 May 2016

Greetings friends,

I just want to let you people know that I'm spending as much time on the project as I can. Even now, when I have to deal with other annoying and private stuff. Also my main job needs the focus; for about a week.
Long story short: Don't await the new version within the next two weeks.

As for the current state of work:
Re-programing the slaves for the sake of memory takes as long as I was afraid of. There is no way to shorten things, but on the bright side, it is (now) an easy thing to do. It just lasts.

I won't give myself a deadline, though you may visit this blog soon, thinking "maybe today".

random Crow